1. Search for the desired product / service: you can search for a product / service directly through the dedicated search field or navigate through the categories of the menu.
  2. Add the products to the cart by clicking the "Add to cart" button or by clicking the "Buy in 1 click" button. If you select the Add to Cart button, you can add to your cart different products from several categories. If you choose the "Buy in 1 click" button, you can leave the contact information for the order.
  3. After adding the products into your cart, open the shopping cart where you can view the list of selected products, update the quantity or delete added products.
  4. After checking the cart, you need to enter your payment information, available payment method and a preferred delivery method (self-pickup, courier delivery).
  5. The last step for submitting your order is the "Order" button. After clicking this button, the seller will receive your order and will contact you shortly.

If you are registered on moberry.md, the delivery data is saved and you can use it for future orders.

Important note! The cost of delivery is different for each vendor. It depends on the region where the product / service can be delivered and delivery options. You can find all the information on the vendor’s page or the product / service page.

  • Pickup

The seller's pick-up service is marked on the product page, on the seller's page and at the end of the order, in the Delivery method section.

The service is free.

  • Courier delivery

Each seller has a certain delivery fee because all orders placed on moberry.md are carried out directly by the manufacturer of the goods.

For example, if you have one or more items from the same seller, you will have 1 shipping fee. If you order more items from 2 or more sellers, you will have 2 or more shipping charges (1 shipping fee = 1 seller).

Some sellers offer free shipping for a certain order amount.

The shipping fee will be applied and will be visible in the cart.

Each merchant has specific payment methods. They can be found on the seller's page and on the product / service page. You can choose a convenient payment method upon completion of the order.

No. Delivery is carried out only within the municipality of Chișinău.

Placing an online order has several advantages:

  • Orders can be registered at any time, vendors accept them in the order of their registration;
  • You buy directly from a local manufacturer;
  • You will find certified organic products;
  • You will find detailed information about the product and the manufacturer.

Please contact the vendor and inform him as soon as possible. Depending on the status of the order, you will discuss the details of receiving the goods.

An active order can be canceled or changed at the discretion of the seller.

We recommend you to contact him directly and discuss the details as soon as possible.

If the item received differs from the ordered item, we recommend that you refuse the parcel upon delivery. If you have accepted the parcel, contact the seller and inform him about the received parcel.

All responsibility lies with the seller of the product / service.

Moberry does not engage in entrepreneurial activity, does not sell any products / services and is not a participant in the commercial relationship between the seller and the buyer. Accordingly,  we are not responsible for any aspects related to the goods or services posted by the sellers.

Any disagreements regarding the products / services posted on the moberry.md platform are resolved by the seller and the buyer in accordance with the legislation and agreement of the parties.

Contact us for more details: moberry.md@gmail.com.

Describe the situation in as much detail as possible, mentioning the order date, the status of the product received / the level of service received and the reason for the report. Our team will analyze the details and come back with an answer.

Of course!

  1. You will not need to fill in all the fields to purchase. You will buy faster and easier;
  2. You can make a list of preferences for the future;
  3. You will be able to see the history of orders placed;
  4. You will receive news from moberry.md about interesting events, new products and services, discounts.